08 December 2008

In Full Swing

I doesn't seem like I've been here for about 3 weeks.  Having a full duty week really made things feel like I'm on active duty.  My casual job is ok.  I keep track of training data.  It's kinda interesting learning all these training requirements. 
I decided to start working on my masters degree.  There are classes from Embry-Riddle offered here on the base.  I figured I would start and knock some out before Phase I.  If I can fill in this square ASAP, my career path will be looking pretty good.  
On a lighter note, I did get the Del Rio club experience this weekend. I was not that impressed and I must say I miss the easy options in Lawrence.  It was easy to know which bar or club had the specials on any given night and go and have some fun.  The clubs here are a bit sketchy.  I left the first after there was a huge fight and 8 cops showed up.  The second club was nothing but mexican music and very little country.  Not exactly my element.  I actually miss hip hop and rap.  It's the officers club for me.  

01 December 2008

Getting Settled In

Thanksgiving has come and gone.  It was my first real holiday being away from family.  I must say I missed being home and being with family.  My parents drove out to see me and see what's its like being stationed in Del Rio, TX.  It was nice having them here.  Had they not been here, Thanksgiving would have been real lonely.  They stayed in a TLF on the base, which was really great because they also brought my dog Shadow! My dad took my friends and I out to Thanksgiving dinner at Luby's.  He could tell we all missed being home.  At least we got to eat some turkey.  
My inprocessing is coming to a close.  I should be getting that first AF paycheck soon.  It is finally nice to be almost done with this checklist.  When Phase I gets here, I'll be back in the books and going through the rigors of flight school.  Until then, the last of inprocessing continues tomorrow.  I hope my stuff gets here soon.  Not having internet and cable is a real drag!
To top things out, my alma mater of Kansas beat Mizzou in the Border Showdown! Nothing is sweeter! I was thrilled I got to see it live.  It looked like it was freezing there.  Can't say the same for Del Rio, TX.  
Kansas 40
Mizzou 37